
How Do I Become a Member?

It's easy! Annual dues are now $75 (starting in 2024) (slightly higher depending on the mail option you need/want to use). Rising costs (especially for mailing) have necessitated our first rate increase since 2016. See below for more details.

If you wish to use your credit card to join, fill out our online application form by clicking here.

If you have difficulties with the on-line form you can send the details to the Membership Secretary via postal mail. We discourage using email to send credit card details. Be sure to include the card type, name, date of expiration, etc. You can download a PDF form here. Memberships run for the "Volume Year"; you will receive issues 1-4 for the year you join or renew. If you join after Issue 4 for a volume has shipped, your subscription will begin with Issue 1 of the next Volume.

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Membership Secretary
League of World War I Aviation Historians
2009 Cedarmill Drive
Chesterfield MO 63017

Dues are payable in January, but new members joining later in the year still receive all four issues of Over The Front published in the year in which they join. This means that you will, no matter what time in the year you join (or renew), receive all four issues of that volume. Your subscription will not roll over to the next year.

In a year's worth of Over The Front you will get 384 high quality pages of WWI Aviation History! So whether your interested in aircraft, armament, the Western Front, German fighter aces, the Zeppelins, British fighter squadrons, the Russian, Rumanian or Italian Fronts, operations in the Middle East, or myriad other WWI aviation topics you can't go wrong with Over The Front!

If you have further questions contact the Membership Secretary at the above address.

Current rates (for 2024 and beyond) in US dollars:
Foreign payments should be in US dollars via International Money Orders, International Postal Money Orders or a check drawn on a bank with a correspondent bank in the US.

  • USA Fourth Class Mail = $75 (US)
  • USA / Canada First Class Mail = $95 (US)
  • UK / Europe / Australia / New Zealand / Japan ISAL* = $100 (US)
  • Rest of the World ISAL = $95 (US)
  • Airmail Outside of USA / Canada = $115 (US)

* ISAL: International Surface Air Lift - bulk airlift mailing from the US to your country's/region's postal system, from which it will be sorted and handled normally.


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